What are the benefits of Fiverr Analytical Skills Test ? It appears on your profile and looks more professional when the buyer sees it. You learn and you can use it to your advantage. In addition to what others have said, you may not have a jig in certain sections until you pass the relevant skills test. Fiverr Analytical Test Answer
Fiverr Analytical Test
Test Syllabus
The Analytical Skills Test measures the ability to understand and solve complex problems and concepts as well as make decisions based on given inputs.
Analytical Skills include, but are not limited to applying logical thinking to gathering and analyzing information, designing and testing solutions to problems, and formulating plans. Below is an example of the type of questions included in this test:
This question is based on the statement “Sam runs faster than Peter”. Which statement/statements among the following is/are necessary to justify the statement?
1)Tim is the fastest runner in the tournament.
2)Sam can run faster than Tim.
3)Sam can run as fast as Tim.
4)Tim can run faster than Peter.
- 40 minutes
- 40 multiple choice questions.
- Each question has between 2 and 8 options; one or more may be correct.
- There is no penalty for guessing if you don’t know the answer; therefore, make sure you attempt all of the questions.
- In order to pass, you will need to answer at least 60% of the questions correctly.
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Fiverr Analytical Skills Test Answers
Bob walks 8km towards North and turns to his right and walks 4km more. He then turns to his right and walks 5km and turns again to his right and walks another 4 km. Here he meets Smith coming from the opposite direction. They both stop here.
If the starting point from where Bob started is marked as A and finishing point is marked as B, then what is the distance between A and B?
a. 8km
b. 4km
c. 3km
d. 9km
This question is based upon the figure shown below
What is the total number of triangles in the given diagram?
a. Between 20 and 24
b. Between 24 and 28
c. Between 28 and 32
d. Between 33 and 36
It is given that:
1. Fin is the brother of Austin.2. Cane is the daughter of Austin.3. Karol is the sister of Fin.4. Goofy is the brother of Cane.
Based on the above information, who is the uncle of Goofy?
a. Karol
b. Cane
c. Find.
Fiverr Analytical Test Answer | Fiverr Analytical Skills Test Answers
Bob walks 8km towards North and then turns to his right and walks 4km more. He then turns to his right and walks 5km and turns again to his right and walks another 4 km. Here he meets Smith coming from the opposite direction. They both stop here.
In which direction was Bob going after his first turn?
Four men: Rory, Stephen. Tony and Ulrich are married to four women: Rachel, Sarah, Ten and Ursa. Each of the four couples lives in one of the following four states: Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas and Utah.
Read the following information care fully and answer the given question:
1 – The first letters of the names of men, their wives and the states in which they live are not the same.2- Sarah is not married to Rory.3- Stephen does not live in Rhode Island or Utah and is not Rachel’s husband.4- Ulrich and Ten do not live in South Dakota.
Who is Rory’s wife?
a. Rachel
b. Sarah
c. Tend.
Stefan and Elena start walking Westwards from a certain point. After covering 20 km, Stefan turns right and Elena turns left. Stefan waits for sometime and then walks another 10 km, whereas Elena walks only 5 km. Henceforth they both start walking Southwards and cover 15 km each. How far is Stefan from Elena?
a. 10km
b. 15km
c. 30km
d. 25km
Fiverr Analytical Test Answer | Fiverr Analytical Skills Test Answers
Jack said to Martha “YOUR ONLY BROTHERS SON IS MY WIFE’S BROTHER”. How is Martha related to Jack’s wife?
a. Mother
b. Auntc. Sister
d. Can’t say
There are six members in a family: C1, C2. C3, C4, C5 and C6. The relation among the family members is such that there are 2 fathers, 1 mother, 1 daughter and 3 brothers. No person in the family is a grandmother to the other family members. The additional information is given as follows:
C3 is the sister of C6.C2 is the brother of C5’s husband.C4 is the father of C1 and grandfather of CQ.
Who is C5s husband?
a. C2
b. C3
c. C1
d. C4
Fiverr Analytical Test Answer | Fiverr Analytical Skills Test Answers
A teacher categorizes five students, P, Q, R, S and T. She comes up with the fallowing conclusions:
AN Ps are Qs. All Qs Are Rs. Some Ss are Ps. All Ss are Qs. No Ts are Rs.Which one of the fallowing is true”?
a. All Rs are Ps.
b. Some Ts are Qs.
c. All Ps are Ss.
d. No Qs are Ts.
e. Some Ts are Ps.
Two siblings: A and B, are having a conversation.
Read the following information and answer the given question:A says (o his sister, B: “I have as many sisters as brothers.” B tells her brother. A: “I have twice as many brothers as sisters.
How many brothers and sisters are there?
a. 2 brothers and 5 sisters
b. 4 brothers and 3 sisters
c. 3 brothers and 3 sisters
d. 3 brothers and 4 sisters
Suppose there is a group of 5 people P, Q, R, S, and T. Information about these 5 persons is as follows:
Among them one is cricketer, one is Hockey player, and one is football player.P and S are unmarried women in the group and do not take part in any game.None of the women plays Hockey or Cricket.There is a married couple in the group. T is the husband.Q is the brother of R and is neither a hockey player nor a football player.
Based on the given information, who is the Football player in the group?
a. P
b. Q
c. R
d. S
Fiverr Analytical Test Answer | Fiverr Analytical Skills Test Answers
A team of four students has to be selected from A, B, C, D, E, F and G, according to the following:
B will not be with F.A and C must be together.E will not be with A.G and D must be together.F will not be with G.
A team can consist of:
Fiverr Analytical Test Answer| Fiverr Analytical Skills Test Answers
From his current position at Location X (GMT + 2:00), Tom can choose to take any of the four flights that are scheduled at the same time (12:00 AM) from location X to the below-given locations (their GMTs are also mentioned).
Location A: GMT+ 09:00 Location B: GMT+ 07:00 Location C: GMT -09:00 Location D: GMT-07:00
Each location can be reached from Location X after a 30-minute flight.If breakfast is available at every location between 7:00 AM -9:00AM as per their respective GMTs, then which location should Tom fly to, if he wants to eat breakfast as soon as he lands?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. d
This question is based upon the figure shown below
Count the number of triangles in the diagram given above.
a. 12
b. 13
c. 14
d. 17
e. 16
In a certain code language,Tuta Kaba’ means ‘red apples”Pita haka’ means ‘sweet oranges”Haka nut kaba’ means ‘sweet luscious apples’
Which word in the language means luscious?
a. Tuta
b. Kaba
c. nut
d. Haka
Two of Veronica’s friends: Shaun and Michael, have their birthdays today. Veronica wants to wish them during their free-incoming-calls time-slots, which is 11AM – 1PM according to their respective time-zones. At what time intervals Veronica should make the calls (first to Shaun and then to Michael) so that she is able to talk to them in their free-incoming-calls time-slots, if the time-zone of the three are as follows:
Veronica’s time-zone: +11:00 GMT Shaun’s time-zone: +6:00 GMT Michael’s time-zone: +09:30 GMT
a. 04:00 PM to 06:00 PM and 12:30 PM to 02:30 PM
b. 06:00PM to 08:00 PM and 02:30 PM to 04:30 PM
c. 08:00PMto10:00PM and 04:30 PM to 06:30 PM
d. 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM and 06:30 PM to 08:30 PM
5 students, A, B, C, D and E took a competitive exam. When their result was declared, the teacher wrote the following information on a piece of paper:
B has scored more than 2 marks.C has scored more marks in the exam than A and B has scored together.Marks scored by A are the same as the total marks scored by D and E together.A has scored more marks than B.No two people have scored the same marks.
If D scored more marks than B, who scored the lowest marks?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. De. Data Insufficient
Fiverr Analytical Test Answer | Fiverr Analytical Skills Test Answers
There are 6 hotels in the city A, B, C, D, E, and F.
Hotel D is 25km to the north of hotel F, which is 35km to the northeast of hotel B. Hotel A is 15km west of Hotel E and 25 km to the southwest of Hotel C. Hotel B, A and E are in straight line in the given order. Hotel B and E is 30 km apart from each other.
Which hotel is the nearest to the northeast of hotel E?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
Bob walks 8km towards North and turns to his right and walks 4km more. He then turns to his right and walks 5km and turns again to his right and walks another 4 km. Here he meets Smith coming from the opposite direction. They both stop here.
If Bob is to again reach the point from where he started, in which direction will he have to go from the point he’s standing?
This question is based on the following series:
Which character is midway between the 3rd character from left and 6lh character from rights
a. 2
b. 3
c. 8
d. Y
This question is based upon the figure shown below
Count the number of rectangles in the diagram given above.
a. 10
b. 19
c. 8
d. 12
e. 18
In a game, Peter places seven marbles adjacently in a row.
Two marbles are red in color.Two blue colored marbles are adjacent to the same red marble.There is one pink colored marble.There are too white colored marbles but they are not placed adjacent to each other.One of the red colored marbles is place a tone end of the row.
If the pink-colored marble is placed at the other end of the row, where is the second red-colored marble?
a. In the second place.
b. In the third place.
c. In the fourth place.
d. In the seventh place.
Fiverr Analytical Test Answer | Fiverr Analytical Skills Test Answers
Read the following information and answer the given question:
Four lions, P, Q, R, and S, and four tigers, L, M, N, and 0 are being transferred from a wild life sanctuary. They are being transferred in too special animal transport vehicles. Each vehicle can hold four animals according to the following conditions:
1. There are exactly two lions and two tigers in each vehicle.2. Either P or Q, but not both, can be kept in the first vehicle.
4. If N is in the first vehicle, Q cannot be in the first vehicle.
If Q is in the first vehicle, which of the following three animals are kept along with Q?
a. P, M and O
b. R, S and L
c. R, L and M
d. R, M and N
e. S, L and O
Suppose there is a group of 5 people P, Q, R, S, and T. Information about these 5 persons is as follows:
Among them one is cricketer, one is Hockey player, and one is football player.P and S are unmarried women in the group and do not take part in any game.None of the women plays Hockey or Cricket.There is a married couple in the group. T is the husband.Q is the brother of R and is neither a hockey player nor a football player.
Based on the given information, who is the Hockey player in the group?
a. Q
b. R
c. S
d. T
A, B, C and D are four people.
1) A is the son of B.2)B is the daughter of C.3)C is the mother of D.
Which among the following is true?
a. B and D are brothers.
b. D is the father of A.
c. A and D are brothers.
d. B is the sister of D
Fiverr Analytical Test Answer | Fiverr Analytical Skills Test Answers
There are six floors in a building from the first floor to the top floor. No two people can live on the same floor.
Read the following information and answer the given question:
P lives two floors below M.S lives on the floor above N. Two floors are vacant.
If P lives on the second floor, which of the following would be true?
a. S lives on the third floor.
b. M lives on the fifth floor.
c. N lives on the floor above M
How many 7s are there in the following series which are immediately preceded by 9 but not followed by 7?
a. 2
b. 8
c. 5
d. 3
Suppose there is a group of 5 people P, Q, R, S, and T. Information about these 5 persons is as follows:
Among them one is cricketer, one is Hockey player, and one is football player.
Fiverr Analytical Test Answer | Fiverr Analytical Skills Test Answers
4P and S are unmarried women in the group and do not take part in any game.None of the women plays Hockey or Cricket.There is a married couple in the group. T is the husband.Q is the brother of R and is neither a hockey player nor a football player.
Based on the given information, who is the Cricketer in the group?
a. P
b. Q
c. R
d. T
Five friends. A. B. C, D and E work in different offices. One of them is a singer, the other a lawyer, the third a doctor, the fourth a sportsman and the fifth a chef. One day, they meet and discuss their respective earnings.
E is earning as much as the singer.C is earning less than the lawyer.A is earning less than the doctor.B is earning more than the chef.C is earning more than the doctor.The doctor is earning more than the sportsman.E is earning more than B.
What is A’s profession?
a. Singer
b. Lawyer
c. Chef
d. Cannot be determined
In the fallowing sequence, how many numbers are divisible by 3 or 5 and are immediately followed by an odd number?
29, 25, 26, 21, 3, 25, 35, 18, 20, 22, 50, 9, 52, 54, 55, 56, 48, 26, 45
a. 5
b. 4
c. 8
d. 3
Graffiting and speechmaking on public property should be banned. Anarchists and fundamentalists have no right to use public property to disseminate their nasty views.
The above argument assumes that:
a. anarchists and fundamentalists always use public property to disseminate their ideas.
b. legal restrictions may apply to a select group.
c. those who indulge in graffiting and speechmaking on public property are anarchists and fundamentalists
d. law should not extend protection to those who create disorder.
Fiverr Analytical Test Answer | Fiverr Analytical Test Answers
There are six members in a family:C1, C2. C3, C4, C5 and C6. The relation among the family members is such that there are 2 fathers, 1 mother, 1 daughter and 3 brothers. No person in the family is a grandmother to the other family members. Additional information is given as follows:
C3 is the sister of C6.C2 is the brother of C5’s husband.C4 is the father of C1 and grandfather of CQ.
How many male members are there in the family?
a. 5
b. 4
c. 3d. 2
Jack is sleeping.
Which statement. ‘statements among the following is/are necessary to justify the statement?
1)Jack is in bed.2)lt is afternoon.3)Everyone lying on the bed is sleeping.
a. 1 & 2
b. 2 & 3
c. 1 & 3
Fiverr Analytical Test Answer | Fiverr Analytical Skills Test Answers
A tram stops at six different stations on its route. After leaving from the sixth station, tram returns to the first station and repeats the cycle. The stations are located in six cities and are named A, B, C, D, E and F. E is the third station. B is the sixth. Station D comes before station F. Station C comes before station A. If A is the fifth station, which station among the following should come immediately before Station E?
a. D
b. F
c. C
d. A
e. B
This question is based on the following series:
Which letter is at the 5lh position from the left of the 9lh letter from the right in the given series?
a. 2
b. L
c. 9
d. None of these
For his highly confidential project. Professor Mark Philip is trying to make a team comprising four doctors: two males and two females. He can choose the team members from among Peter, Jack, Martin, Steve, Mary, Rosy and Stephanie.
Peter, Jack, Martin and Steve are male doctors. Mary, Rosy and Stephanie are female doctors. Peter and Jack do not work together. Rosy and Peter refuse to work together. Martin and Stephanie cannot work together.
If Jack is made a member of the team, who among the following can be the other three members of the team?
a. Mary, Rosy and Peter
b. Mary, Stephanie and Martin
c. Mary, Stephanie and Peter
d. Mary, Rosy and Steve
Fiverr Analytical Test Answer | Fiverr Analytical Test Answers
There are 6 hotels in the city A, B, C, D, E, and F.
Hotel D is 25km to the north of hotel F, which is 35km to the northeast of hotel B. Hotel A is 15km west of Hotel E and 25 km to the southwest of Hotel C. Hotel B, A and E are in straight line in the given order. Hotel B and E is 30 km apart from each other.
Which hotel is the farthest to the southwest of hotel D?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
There are 6 hotels in the city A, B, C, D, E, and F.
Hotel D is 25km to the north of hotel F, which is 35km to the northeast of hotel B. Hotel A is 15km west of Hotel E and 25 km to the southwest of Hotel C. Hotel B, A and E are in straight line in the given order. Hotel B and E is 30 km apart from each other.
If visitor moves from hotel E to hotel D via hotel A, B and F. How much distance it will have to cover?
a. 90km
b. 120km
c. 125km
d. 150km
There are three people. A, B and C. They are to share a cake equally. They cut the cake into “n” equal pieces. After each one of them finishes eating 4 pieces of the cake, the total number of the remaining pieces of the cake is equal to that to which each person was entitled initially. Find the value of “n”.
a. 24
b. 18
c. 28
d. 36
There are three security guards, A, B and C appointed to guard a jewellery shop under the following conditions:
No security guard is called to work for three consecutive days.A has his off on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. B has his off on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. C has his off on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.
On which day of the week do all of them work together?
a. Sunday
b. Saturday
c. Friday
d. Tuesday